Get Involved

2023 - 2024 School Year

If you are interested in getting involved with the BSPA  next school year (2023-2024), please complete the VOLUNTEER SURVEY  by clicking the link below

  If you have any questions about how and when to get involved at Baldwin, or questions about the different roles or positions in the BSPA,  please email or  and we can point you in the right direction or answer any questions

For more information about the different BSPA positions and the events we sponsor, scroll down!

2023 - 2024 Volunteer Survey

BSPA Positions:

There are so many ways to get involved with the BSPA!  Here is a little bit of information about what we do.  Please email, or for more information and answers to your questions!

Events We Plan

Event chairs, committee members and volunteers are needed for all of our events to make them successful!  Chairing our events is fun, easy and doesn't involve any financial commitment.   You will have the support of the BSPA & our amazing Parent Engagement Coordinator Silva throughout the process!  (check out photos of our past events at the bottom of our "events" page

B'Cycle Used Uniform Sale (August & May) - Organize donations and help plan the used uniform sale.  This great event brings down costs for all of our families.  They grow out of their uniforms so fast!  

Pumpkin Painting (October) - Every October we paint colorful pumpkins and sell them to raise money for our Lower School Halloween Fair.  The proceeds from this fundraiser help keep the Halloween Fair free for all of our girls, and provides a fun social activity for parents. 

Lower School Halloween Fair (October) - Recruit volunteers and set up our many carnival style games for our younger girls to enjoy, and earn tickets and prizes.  This popular event is always a hit with our little Bears, and volunteers alike.

Book Fair (Fall) - Help us coordinate with our partner, Scholastic Books, to plan the book fair, recruit volunteers, and promote the event to parents.  This fantastic fundraiser is always a success and helps our teachers fill up their classrooms with new and better books and supplies each year.  

Father-Special Person/Daughter Event (Lower School) (January) - This fun tradition provides an opportunity for our dad's and other "special people" to spend a fun evening with their daughters, dancing, eating and doing crafts.  Bring your enthusiasm and creativity to pick a theme and some decorations!

Mother-Special Person/Daughter Event (Lower School) (Spring) - Another fun opportunity for our mom's and "special people" to spend time with their daughters and dance the night away.  Chairs will recruit volunteers, pick a theme, entertainment and food.  

Family Event (Middle School) (Spring) - This event is a great opportunity to bring your creative spirit to plan a fun opportunity for parents and girls to spend some time together.  It's been a trivia night, a movie night, an outdoor sports & game day and more.  

Mother-Special Person/Daughter Event (Upper School) (Spring) - Teen schedules can get very busy.  This committee chair will help us plan a night (or day) event where our oldest girls can spend time with Mom, or a special someone, eating great food, playing games, doing crafts, or any other activity our chairs come up with.  

Auction & Dinner Community Fundraiser (Spring) "Block Party" - Formerly known as the "gala", our community auction is our biggest fundraiser of the year and requires many hands to be a success.  There are committees to join, art pieces to create, auction items to find and more.   The auction committee is a great starting point to meet other parents and support the school.  

Faculty Appreciation (Apr/May) - Each spring the BSPA sponsors a Faculty Appreciation luncheon.  Our chairs help choose the décor, a gift for the teachers, and the food.  This event is also supported  by donations from our community.  Our teachers work hard, and this is our opportunity to show them how much we appreciate what they do for our girls!

Serving as a Grade Rep

Serving as a grade rep is a great opportunity to get started with volunteering at Baldwin.  Grade reps work directly with the division directors and get support from the BSPA division reps (see below).   A few of the roles and responsibilities of a grade rep are outlined below.  If you'd like to volunteer as a grade rep, reach out directly to the division director or fill in our survey above and we'll pass along your information for you!

Role of Grade Representative:

 Facilitate communication to your grade.

 Build community within your class

 Promote & support BSPA events such as Gala or Halloween Fair

Baldwin School Parents Association Board Positions

For our experienced volunteers who want to take their involvement to the next level and keep the BSPA running smoothly.  Reach out to for more information on any of these positions.  

President – Plan monthly BSPA Executive Board meetings, support BSPA and school events as needed.

Executive Vice-President – Next in line for President role. Assist as needed while preparing for year as President.

Vice-President – Next in line for EVP and then President role. Assist as needed with BSPA events while preparing for eventual year as President.

Treasurer – Monitor cash flow of BSPA events and incidental charges. Occasionally work with Business Office to reconcile account activity.

Secretary – Take official notes at BSPA Board meetings for distribution and approval.

Division Representatives – 2 LS, 1 MS, and 2 US division reps act as liaisons between the grade reps and the BSPA Board, facilitating communication back and forth.

Corresponding Secretary – Identify special events among faculty & staff and coordinate cards and/or gifts as appropriate (births, marriages, etc.)

Marketing Coordinator – Manage marketing process for most BSPA events, including designing flyers and educating event chairs on event marketing timelines and


Technology Coordinator – Manage specific technology tools in use by the BSPA –primarily the website

Volunteer Coordinator – Manage volunteer needs process for event chairs and technology tools for signing up volunteers.

DEI Representative - Help coordinate and support DEI events & initiatives at the school.

Alumni Coordinator – Coordinate with Alumni Office and communicate as needed.

Admissions Coordinator – Coordinate with Admissions to support open houses, events, and lawn sign distribution.