Wednesday, November 25, 2020

⭐️Today I have some fun Thanksgiving activities planned. A little turkey writing, some turkey reading, turkey math, and turkey science. Hmmm...I am hungry for TURKEY! I hop everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving. I am thankful I get to spend my days with you!


πŸ“šLanguage Arts Lesson

Task 1: Disguise a turkey

This is a fun activity. You will read the silly story about a turkey who is hiding from the farmer. Then use your technology skills to disguise your own turkey. Tap on the objects to copy and paste. I will upload these to our website!

  1. Read story.

  2. Decorate your turkey.

  3. Write a 5 sentence paragraph describing your turkey. Your paragraph should have a topic sentence, at least 3 supporting sentences, and a closing statement.


My turkey is disguised like a puppy dog! My turkey has a curly tail that wags when excited. It also has big floppy ears so it can hear the farmer coming. Lastly, my turkey has spots like a Dalmation. My turkey will not be found by the farmer.

Disguise a Turkey

Task 2: turkey Dinner

Read the passage about turkey dinner slowly and carefully. Then answer the questions.

πŸ“Math Lesson


Task 1: Math Fun

Complete the math equations. If your answers are correct, the box will turn white, and a magic picture will appear! If the answer is incorrect, the answer box stays red.


Task 2: Reflex

Complete until solid green. You will be graded on completing at least 4 days of Reflex a week. If you do more than 4 days, you will have extra credit opportunities.

🌎 Social Studies Lesson

Task 1: Project

  • Build a maze and help the turkey get from the beginning to the end of the maze.

  • You can make dead ends and obstacles

  • You do not have to use a marble. Anything round will work. The round object represents the turkey.

  • Video tape/record your turkey going through the maze and upload.

  • This is NOT due until after Thanksgiving.


  • Today's goal: Begin the work on your project. Due on Monday when we return.


Check Google Classroom for gym assignment

Did you...

Now go to today's agenda (on homepage) and double check that you completed everything for today.
