AZLA Annual Conference

2018 Program Book

Your Future is Whatever You Make It (So Make It a Good One): Access and Opportunity for Aspiring Librarians


Libraries help strengthen and build healthy and thriving communities, but libraries are more than just buildings. Libraries are defined by those working within them, but also by those who aspire to work in them, what drew them to the work, and how they succeed. How we as information professionals choose to prepare and cultivate new professionals at all levels will determine the future success of libraries and the role and capacity for change within our communities. Additionally, how we build these programs to support new professionals (i.e. internships, volunteer positions, residencies) also reflects on the priorities, trends, and biases on both individual (institutional) and organizational (library science field broadly) levels. Early experiences within curricular and internship programs can dramatically impact a students decision or ability to become a librarian, so it is crucial for current professionals to design well informed opportunities and support structures tailored to the needs of each student. In this panel, current students and recent graduates will share thoughts and critiques on their experience throughout library school and within a for-credit internship. Additionally, based on these discussions the panelists will share resources and provide suggestions for developing and improving internship and other support programs to aid in the success of new and aspiring information professionals.


Michelle Ashley Gohr, First Year Experience Librarian

Date: 10/25/2018

Time: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Location: Boardroom Bldg B (20)