Fengjiao Liu

Short Bio

Research Overview

Structural properties and graphical characterizations of systems

Critical algebraic properties (such as the controllability and the existence of fixed eigenvalues) of a dynamical system are inspected and then converted into equivalent graphical properties of the system’s network representations. This work provides a guide to designing complex networks and helps reveal crucial underlying mechanisms of networks and collective behaviors in nature.

Distributed control of multi-channel dynamical systems

The first systematic procedures are given for effective control of multi-channel systems using distributed controllers, which broadens our knowledge of how distributed control can fundamentally improve system performance by allowing local communication. There is still much work to be done along this direction. This work can be potentially implemented to smart grids and home automation systems.

Optimal control of the evolution of uncertainty in stochastic systems

The fundamental questions are answered on the existence and uniqueness of the optimal control law for steering the state covariance of a stochastic system over a finite time horizon and how to compute the optimal control. With the advantage of directly controlling and quantifying the uncertainty in stochastic systems, these results can be applied to various motion planning scenarios.

Selected Publications & Preprints

A comprehensive list of publications is available here.

Teaching Experience

Professional Service

Reviewer of

Session Chair in American Control Conference, Denver, USA, 2020

Committee Member for Diversity and Inclusion of EE department, Yale University, 2020 – 2021