Counseling Forms

& Policies

Welcome to the AVHS Counseling Forms page. We will continue to add forms to this site. Please let your counselor know if there are counseling forms you would like to see added.

Schedule Change Policy

All schedule changes must be requested within:

Fall semester: First 10 days of the semester

Spring semester: First 5 days of the semester

Students may not request a specific teacher or period.

Open Door Policy

We are available whenever possible. If we are busy when you try to contact us, you can always make an appointment with the counseling assistant. You can come by our office, e-mail, or call, and we will be happy to help you as soon as possible.

Confidentiality Policy

What you tell your counselor in confidence during a formal counseling session will remain confidential.

The only reasons your school counselors may beak confidentiality are:

  • If you give us permission to share.

  • If ordered by a court order to share.

  • If you mention actual or potential harm to yourself or others.