Welcome to the

Avondale Middle School Bands

Hello! I am very excited you are interested in pursuing band in middle school and am privileged to help you this year. I teach 6th Grade Band and Choir, and 7th Grade Music Tech & Composition. I am also the AMS Jazz Band Director, a co-sponsor for NJHS, and the Associate Director for the Avondale High School Yellow Jacket Marching Band.

Ms. Rachel Pedersen

Mr. Michael Hejka

Hello! Joining band could quite possibly be one of the best decisions of your life. Do it! You'll be able to create music with countless incredible musicians, challenge yourself, and have a great time doing it!

I direct the 7th and 8th grade bands at Avondale Middle School, as well as the Symphonic Band. Wind Ensemble, HS Jazz Band, and the Yellow Jacket Marching Band!

Band is really where it's at! Marching Band, Jazz Band, Pit Orchestra, and Concert Band. It's a ton of fun! Aaaaannnnd many of the world's most successful actors, athletes, artists, musicians, thinkers, doctors, lawyers... were all in band!

As an incoming 6th Grade Band student, you have the opportunity to choose the instrument you would like to play. Take a look at the site and check out the short video for each instrument.

After you have watched the video...