April 28, 2020 - It is with heavy hearts that we must share with you that the Association for Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries Annual Conference in Ann Arbor has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “The show must go on” is in the performer blood of many of us, but AUUMM is committed to do our part to help protect our staff, volunteers, and valued members. This is the first time in 38 years that we will not gather together to share our riches of talent and friendship. The Annual Conference is a time to reunite, celebrate our ministries, and connect with the folx who understand our day to day challenges and successes. We are working through the ramifications of an unprecedented situation.

The Association will continue to work hard to bring you online events and professional development. We see this as an opportunity to bring educational opportunities to our broader membership. While it’s true that our July 2020 event will no longer take place in the way that we envisioned, we continue to strive toward our purpose to provide this community of Unitarian Universalist musicians with a network of mutual support, education, information, and opportunities for professional and spiritual growth. In the coming weeks we will start to bring you more information about these opportunities. In the meantime, if you are inspired to give back to the community, please consider giving to and sharing the Faithify campaign currently running for Songleaders Convergence scholarships. The campaign will now fund scholarships for the 2021 Convergence and it is critical that we complete this campaign on a strong note in order to receive a matching grant from the UU Funding Program.

The Conference Planning Team (CPC) has been working hard to curate a conference that has meaningful opportunities to learn and share for everyone. Because the CPC is so pleased with the way the Ann Arbor conference was coming together, we have decided to postpone it until next year. So, if all goes well with the way of the world, we will gather in Ann Arbor, Michigan in 2021. For our members who have already registered and those who are scheduled to present, we will be in touch soon about how we can move forward.

We are so proud of the way AUUMM members have been using their creativity to find new and exciting ways to engage our faith movement during a time when music is needed most. From hymn singalongs with your families, incredible virtual choir pieces, to learning new technology skills to support your congregations in this new online reality, you have all shown the value of the skills and passion you bring to your communities. Thank you for your continued service to our Faith.


Your Conference Planning Committee & Board of Trustees

Bea Ann Phillips, Program Manager and Planner

Dr. Glen Thomas Rideout, First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor, MI (Host)

Sarah Billerbeck, Jefferson Unitarian Church, Lakewood, CO

David Glasgow, UUs of the Cumberland Valley, Boiling Springs, PA

Nancy Holland, UU Church of Studio City, Altadena, CA

John Hubert, First Universalist Church of Denver, CO

Matt Meyer, Sanctuary Boston, Boston, MA

Susan Peck, First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque, NM

DeReau Farrar, President

Deborah Weiner, Moderator

Sarah Jebian, Secretary

L.H. Brown, Treasurer

Rev. Christe Lunsford, Member-at-Large

Amanda Thomas, Member-at-Large

Joel Chapman, Member-at-Large

Laurice Grae-Hauck, Acting Executive Director (ex officio)