Welcome to the ADN HESI A²™Exam
HESI Information & Requirements
The HESI Admission Assessment (A²™) must be taken as part of the admission criteria prior to applying to the Associate Degree Nursing Program after completion of the prerequisite coursework. The HESI results are used to determine readiness for admission to and success in the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
**This TEAS (of HESI) test is ONLY for students applying to the ACC Nursing Program. Students taking the test for another college can contact Prometric for testing information or the college they are applying to***
Please note: If you have taken the HESI exam before and have not passed one or more of the HESI sections, you can register for the HESI (dates are below). If you have NEVER taken the HESI exam before, please register for the TEAS exam! TEAS exam information & dates: https://sites.google.com/austincc.edu/adnteasinformation/
The HESI Admission Assessment fee is $62.00 -- As of October, 2022 the price increased (subject to change)
Registration links are posted below. Please read through the page before registering!
Am I ready to take the HESI? Read the statements below.
I have/will have completed all four pre-requisites (Traditional Track) or all eight (Mobility Track)- at the time of testing OR will be finishing by the end of Spring 2023 to apply to the Spring 2024 Traditional track and/or Fall 2023 Mobility track.
My pre-requisite GPA is at least 2.70 (typically 3 B's and 1 C, for the Trad. track, 6 B's and 2 C's for the Mob. track). I understand that the GPA is not rounded up, it must be 2.70 or higher.
I have completed an Information Session.
I have declared Associate of Science General Studies in Pre-Health Sciences as my major. (Your major will be changed to Professional Nursing once you are accepted into the program)
My Castle Branch requirement (immunizations and documents) are in the process (should be compliant no later than the application deadline (May 26th, 2023 for Traditional track and May 16th, 2023 for Mobility track) with green checks.
If you answered YES to all the questions, you are ready to take the TEAS.
The department will send out TEAS or HESI registration confirmation emails and payment information forms on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The payment form is in an attachment that is sent with your HESI or TEAS registration confirmation email. Please wait until you have received your confirmation email to pay for your test. Do not share the payment form with other students that have not registered.
Pay the $62.00 test fee at any Open ACC Campus Cashier's Office (you must bring your registration form that is attached to your HESI registration confirmation email) or pay Online. If you have a voucher you will bring a copy of the voucher as your receipt to your HESI or TEAS test. The **Eastview Cashiers office has been permanently closed.
Test scores will be available immediately after testing.
Students who arrive later than 15 minutes past the start time of the exam will not be allowed to test and will be required to reschedule.
Cancellation Policy:
If a student does not cancel their seat (at least 4 days) prior to the test and does not show up for the test, they will not be able to retest or apply to the Nursing Program for 6 months from the date of the test.
In addition, there will be a $20.00 processing fee for students who do not show up for their scheduled test. This fee will be charged the next time you register for the HESI. Please send all reschedule and cancellation notices to adn@austincc.edu no later than 4 days prior to the test time. Note: Phone call cancellations will not be accepted. The request must be via email.
A student who has two No-Shows for a test will not be allowed to test with ACC in the future.
HESI Testing Logistics
Must make a minimum score of 75% on each graded test section (A&P, Math, Reading, Vocabulary, and Grammar) in order to pass the test. There are Eight tests total to complete. (Three are not graded and are used for diagnostic purposes only, but all eight tests must be taken.)
Students can repeat the test ONLY if they score under 75% on a graded test section.
A study guide may be purchased through HESI: Click here and then click on the Admission Assessment Preparation link. There is a 4th edition available outside of the Elsevier website. You are welcome to purchase the latest edition if you prefer.
Year re-testing limits may be imposed starting in 2016.
This is a standardized test, once you go forward on the test you cannot go back.
Sections Contained in the ACC HESI A²™:
Anatomy and Physiology
Math Test items related to math concepts are required when calculating drugs and solution problems. Sub-scoring of the following categories is provided: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Decimals, Ratio and Proportion, Household Measures, General Math Facts (Roman Numerals, Military Time, etc.)
Reading Comprehension
Reading scenarios related to healthcare topics
Critical Thinking
The comprehension, analysis, synthesis, and application of knowledge.
Learning Styles
Personality Profile
Who can take the test and HESI registration information
This test is only for students applying to the ACC Nursing Program. Students taking the test for another college can contact Prometric for testing information or the college they are applying to.
For NEW registrations use the link below. For RESCHEDULES (not retakes) email the department at adn@austincc.edu at least four (4) days prior to the original registered HESI date. Do not try to reschedule/cancel a day before the exam, please understand that there are many students trying to register for the exam and exam codes have been purchased.
If multiple tests are registered for and one is missed it is considered a NO SHOW and subject to the NO SHOW policy!
Tests are only scheduled one semester at a time (within the application cycle).
Beginning January 2017, testing will be limited to three (3) times in a calendar year.
The 2nd test may be taken on the next available test date.
The 3rd test date must not be less than 30 days from the 2nd test date
You must use the Google Chrome browser to register
Please do not share your confirmation emails with payment codes. Only students that register for the HESI will receive this information
If you require special accommodations through the SAS office please email adn@austincc.edu as soon as you fill out your online registration form (prior to the close of the registration date) for further instructions. We need a week minimum notice for all accommodations!
All personal belongings including purses, backpacks, books, and electronic devices (including cell phones and all smart watches) are not allowed in the Testing Center. Possession of prohibited items or accessing unapproved resources in the testing room will result in the immediate termination of the exam. We do not have lockers available for use.
The Associate Degree Nursing program has set up a way for students to pay for the A2 HESI online through ACC’s marketplace. EVC Cashier's Office has permanently closed since 2/28/18.
All information needed to use ACC's marketplace to pay for the A2 HESI will be sent in an attachment with your registration confirmation email.
Instructions on how to register for the HESI exam
***Please register for ONLY ONE TEST and make sure you are using your ACC email address***
Email confirmations are sent on Tuesdays and Thursdays (by the end of the day). Please check your SPAM folder if you do not receive it.
Please note: If you have taken the HESI exam before and have not passed one or more of the HESI sections, you can register for the HESI (dates are below). If you have NEVER taken the HESI exam before, please register for the TEAS exam! We will add TEAS dates in the next few days.
***Spring 2024 Traditional track & Fall 2023 Mobility track***
👉 Deadline to apply to the Spring 2024 Traditional track: May 26, 2023
👉 Deadline to apply to the Fall 2023 Mobility track: May 16, 2023
👉Please study for the exam now as you will only have only three attempts in one calendar year (January thru December): 👉https://www.us.elsevierhealth.com/admission-assessment-exam-review-9780323582261.html
👉If you are applying for the first time OR reapplying to the Fall 2023, you must pass the exam before you can apply or reapply.
👉 You will need to set up your EVOLVE account with a username and password BEFORE registering for the HESI exam.
You will not be able to register without this information. If you have not set this up yet, visit: https://evolve.elsevier.com/productPages/s_872.html
EVOLVE will email your username to you (which will consist of your first initial, last name and sometimes numbers). After setting up your account please return to this page and continue with the ACC HESI registration below. You will need the information from the EVOLVE account you just set up.
If you have already registered for a test that has not been given yet, DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO RESCHEDULE YOUR TEST for another date. FOR RESCHEDULES PLEASE EMAIL adn@austincc.edu
HESI Exam Dates
****Please be aware that all HESI dates have a registration deadline!!! HESI exam dates are provided below (registration dates are subject to change without notice). Please note: If you have taken the HESI exam before and have not passed one or more of the HESI sections, you can register for the HESI (dates are below). If you have NEVER taken the HESI exam before, please register for the TEAS exam! We will add TEAS dates in the next few days.
ACC Eastview (EVC) and Round Rock (RRC) campuses only
EVC: Thurs. April 13th, 2023 9:00am-1:00pm: https://forms.gle/61iCm1F6QaroMQED6 (Deadline to register for this exam: April 10th, by 8:30am) Registration CLOSED!
- EVC: Friday, April 21st, 2023 9:30am-1:30pm: https://forms.gle/yQ3S8GzdX3rxn9EL9 (Deadline to register for this exam: April 17th, by 8:30am) Registration CLOSED!
EVC: Friday, May 12th, 2023:9:00am-1:00pm: https://forms.gle/BttmTRZuYK4VN9KW8 (Deadline to register for this exam: May 8th, by 8:30am) Registration CLOSED!