Week 14: 11/25- 11/29

Monday 11/25

Opener: Copy homework into planner, and pile planners at end of table.


Make Crystals Investigation Poster

Homework: Study for Test next Tuesday!

Announcements: Lunch Help tomorrow

Great pages to review for Test:

Structure of an Atom (p. 34)

Drawing Compounds (p. 37)

Patterns on the Periodic Table (p. 39)

Atom Models Foldable (p. 45)

Tuesday 11/26


Copy & Answer on page 25/26-

1. What do you think is the smallest molecule there is?

2. What do you think is the biggest molecule there is?

Classwork: Polymers (p. 46)

Homework: Study for Test next Tuesday!

Announcements: Lunch help today

Wednesday 11/27 No School!

Thursday 11/28 No School!

Friday 11/29 No School!