Week 14: 11/25- 11/29
Monday 11/25
Monday 11/25
Opener: Copy homework into planner, and pile planners at end of table.
Opener: Copy homework into planner, and pile planners at end of table.
Make Crystals Investigation Poster
Make Crystals Investigation Poster
Homework: Study for Test next Tuesday!
Homework: Study for Test next Tuesday!
Announcements: Lunch Help tomorrow
Announcements: Lunch Help tomorrow
Great pages to review for Test:
Great pages to review for Test:
Structure of an Atom (p. 34)
Structure of an Atom (p. 34)
Drawing Compounds (p. 37)
Drawing Compounds (p. 37)
Patterns on the Periodic Table (p. 39)
Patterns on the Periodic Table (p. 39)
Atom Models Foldable (p. 45)
Atom Models Foldable (p. 45)
Tuesday 11/26
Tuesday 11/26
Copy & Answer on page 25/26-
Copy & Answer on page 25/26-
1. What do you think is the smallest molecule there is?
1. What do you think is the smallest molecule there is?
2. What do you think is the biggest molecule there is?
2. What do you think is the biggest molecule there is?
Classwork: Polymers (p. 46)
Classwork: Polymers (p. 46)
Homework: Study for Test next Tuesday!
Homework: Study for Test next Tuesday!
Announcements: Lunch help today
Announcements: Lunch help today
Wednesday 11/27 No School!
Wednesday 11/27 No School!
Thursday 11/28 No School!
Thursday 11/28 No School!
Friday 11/29 No School!
Friday 11/29 No School!