Zine Project

Check out our newest project: Activist Zines!

Zines (pronounced ZEENS) first emerged in the early 20th century as a cheap, easily reproducible way to spread information, artwork, and opinions. Even though its origins are rooted in science fiction culture, nowadays, it has become a popular way to uplift marginalized voices and engage in social justice. They can come in a digital and/or physical form, so anyone can create one. (Go to https://bookriot.com/history-of-zines/ for more information.)

AUSD DON wants to bring the zines into the classroom as a new method of learning, as well as a vessel for the concept of "artivism". To start this process, our members created informational and interactive zines about activists that inspire them. We encourage you to print them out (click on the images to print) and learn more about these intersectional individuals, or create your own!!

Tara Houska

“Researching Tara Houska broadened my idea of what it means to be an environmental activist. Her work inspires me to take a stand in whatever way I can, whether that’s with my body, words, or values.”

-Zora Uyeda-Hale

Ilhan Omar

"I chose Ilhan Omar because I find I admire how she fought every obstacle in her path to eventually cause the removal of an almost two century long hijab ban. She inspires me to work towards my goals and stay determined."

-Zara Kazi

Dolores Huerta

"I liked working on the project because of Dolores’ activism surrounding women’s and LGBTQIA+ rights, as well as highlighting her work when she was overlooked in favor of Cesar Chavez for so long."

-Kiana Sipes

Sophia Cruz

"I chose Sophie Cruz because I wanted to demonstrate that you can make meaningful change no matter your age and background. I really admire the way she stood against something she knew was wrong and decided to fight for it."

-Liam Watt

Stacey Abrams

"I chose Stacey Abrams because I admire how she decided to dedicate herself to making sure everyone has a voice in our government. And her determination and courage when faced with a difficult task."

-Mani Goldbach

Greta Thunberg

"We chose Greta Thunberg because we wanted to showcase an activist that cares about climate change, and she is known for being a climate activist."

-Salem Tesfaye and Sofia Roscigno

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Simon Nkoli

"I picked Simon Nkoli for my zine because as he is intersectional creating one about him would touch on many issues an important aspects of identity. I also very much admire his continued effort to end hate during apartheid in South Africa. He is a very important person in activism that everyone should know about."

-Zoe Poyeton-Wolf

Malala Yousafzai

"I chose Malala as my activist because I remember learning about her when I was younger and I thought she was really cool. I think it’s also good for girls to be empowered in education because it is something that is really important."

-Kiana Soares