Albany+ Math

Bringing Math To Albany Families

Greetings Albany Families!

At its very essence, mathematics is the study of patterns.  Mathematicians do three things:  

* Mathematicians NOTICE patterns.

*  Mathematicians DESCRIBE patterns.

* Mathematicians GENERALIZE patterns.

One of the most fun ways to interact with math/patterns is through games and puzzles.  "Albany+ Math" (A+ Math for short) aims to bring to you fun math activities for the whole family.  These games and puzzles are intended to be enjoyed together as a family.  Project this page onto your big screen TV and go for it!  Family Math Time!  These activities can be done cooperatively, in competition, or side-by-side - whichever your family enjoys more (or whichever method will not lead to family conflict!).  Some of these activities are aimed towards specific age levels while others accessible to all ages.  However, don't let our age recommendations limit you - try anything and everything on this page!

Math is a beautiful thing that is all around us and math is meant to be experienced, explored, and enjoyed!  We invite you to join us in the journey of experiencing math together through A+ math this year.

Here are the archived issues of A+ math.  Click on icon that represents the issue number that you want to access.

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