Privacy Policy

AusculThing Oy (“AusculThing, “we”, or “us”) is a private company registered and located in Finland. This privacy policy will explain how AusculThing uses user data that is collected from the user when using the application.


What personal data is collected?

AusculThing collects the following personal data:

What anonymous data is collected?

The application collects and stores the following anonymous data:

Why is the data collected?

The application was mainly developed to provide medical professional a:

In addition to the before mentioned uses, the application serves as a research tool for conducting academic research. Therefore, data which provides any knowledge of  skill and improvement of the user is therefore collected. The data is anonymized to the maximal extent. However, since the application might be used in research, an unique personal identifier is needed to identify the research participants. The unique identifier in this case is the email address of the user.

To further improve the application the data which is being collected is used to improve the user experience and products which AusculThing provides.

How is the data collected?

The user provides AusculThing with most of the data that is collected. Data will be collected and processed when the user:

AusculThing may also receive your data indirectly from the following sources:

How is the data used?

Our Company collects your data so that AusculThing can:

The user data might be handed to third parties in order to conduct academic research on auscultation and the teaching and learning of auscultation.

How is the data stored?

AusculThing securely stores the user’s data within the EU. The data is encrypted in transfer and at rest. 

AusculThing will keep the user’s data as a default for 10 years if not explictly requested to be deleted by the user. Once this time period has expired, AusculThing will delete the user data.

However, if you participated in an invited structured academic research organized by a partner of AusuclThing, your data will be stored according to the timeline set by the organization conducting the research. 


AusculThing might send information about products and services that AusculThing thinks that might interest the user, as well as those of AusculThing’s partner companies.

The user has the right at any time to stop AusculThing from contacting the user for marketing purposes or giving the user data to other third parties.

If the user no longer wishes to be contacted for marketing purpose, the user is requested to send an email to

What are the user’s data protection rights?

AusculThing would like to make sure that the user is fully aware of all of data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:

·      The right to access – The user has the right to request AusculThing for copies of the user’s personal data. AusculThing may charge the user a small fee for this service.

·      The right to rectification – The user has the right to request that AusculThing corrects any information that the user believes is inaccurate. The user has the right to request AusculThing to complete the information the user believes is incomplete.

·      The right to erasure – The user has the right to request that AusculThing erases the user’s personal data, under certain conditions.

·      The right to restrict processing – The user has the right to request that AusculThing restricts the processing of the user’s personal data, under certain conditions.

·      The right to object to processing – The user has the right to object to AusculThing’s processing of the user’s personal data, under certain conditions.

·      The right to data portability – The user has the right to request that AusculThing transfers the data that has been collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If the user makes a request, AusculThing has one month to respond to the user. If the user would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact

Changes to AusculThing’s privacy policy

AusculThing keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places any updates within the application. This privacy policy was last updated on 7 September 2023.


If the user has any questions about AusculThing’s privacy policy, the data AusculThing holds on the user, or the user would like to exercise one of the user’s data protection rights, please do not hesitate to AusculThing


How to contact the appropriate authority

Should the user wish to report a complaint or if the user feels that AusculThing has not addressed the user’s concern in a satisfactory manner, the user may contact the EU’s Information Commissioner’s Office.



Rue Wiertz/Wiertzstraat 60

B-1047 Bruxelles/Brussel
