APS 2020 Strategic Plan Goal #1:

every student will have a plan for his or her future.

What is an ICAP?

Aurora Public School students in 1st grade will start the process of exploring career, academic and postsecondary options. The “Plan” referred to in APS 2020 Goal 1 is the Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP). The ICAP is a tangible way to represent and reflect the exploration and planning completed during a student’s K-12 experience. It is a multi-year, student-directed process that should be built upon each year and follow students throughout their academic experience. The plan should be reviewed and supported by the student’s network of support including parents, teachers, coaches and school counselors at least once per year. ICAPs should take into consideration students’ unique, self-defined interests, needs and goals for shaping successful futures.

APS Educator's Toolkit

ICAP Supports

Why start ICAPs early?