3rd Grade


  • We have been exploring DYNAMICS (the louds and quiets in music), including learning fancy Italian music words such 'fortissimo' and 'pianissimo' ! We explore these concepts with movement and poems like 'Chili Pepper!' and 'One Misty Moisty Morning'. Ask your student to show you how they use dynamics to bring the poems alive!
  • Ask your student to sing 'Ram Sam Sam' and teach you the actions!
  • Ask your student how we are beginning to create musical conversations with rhythm 'questions' and 'answers'!


3rd Permission form


  • Meter (beat groupings) : Sasha and 'Ali Baba and 40 Thieves' beat game
  • Ask your student how we used the poem '1 2 Tie My Shoe' to practice movement in meter of 2, shape, and arranging using instruments!
  • We use folk songs and dances to explore a variety of musical concepts-ask your student about "Sasha!" and "Heel and Toe Polka" and how we have used these dances to build community and our sense of beat, rhythm, and phrasing.
  • Our newest challenge is performing in 'Canon'. Ask your student to teach you 'Ram Sam Sam!