Gifted & Talented
Definition of Gifted & Talented
In Colorado, gifted and talented students are included in the legal definition of exceptional students (CRS 22-20-103; CRS 22-26-101-104, 1CCR 301-8). Aurora Public Schools recognizes the obligation to provide instructional and support services to all exceptional students K-12.
Gifted and talented students are those students between the ages of five (5) and twenty-one (21) whose learning capacity and potential for accomplishment are so exceptional or developmentally advanced that they require special provisions to meet their educational and affective needs. Gifted and talented students are capable of advanced learning and performance in any combination of the following:
Intellectual ability
Specific academic aptitude
Creative or productive thinking
Leadership and human relations skills
High Potential Learners
In our classrooms we have many students who may not be eligible for gifted services, but who demonstrate high potential as learners, leaders, and producers. These students also need appropriate programming; including the opportunity to work with rich and demanding curriculum that can bring potential and promise to the surface. Close monitoring of these students may lead to gifted identification.
Colorado’s State Gifted and Talented Education Guidelines, Colorado Department of Education
Exceptional Children’s Educational Act (C.R.S. 22-20-101 et seq.)
Gifted and Talented Referrals
If you would like to initiate the GIFTED IDENTIFICATION process for your child, please complete this form. Be advised, you will need approximately 30 minutes to complete the entire document. There is not a way to save your progress in this form.
Once this form is complete and submitted, your school's Gifted Education Facilitator will be notified. They will then gather additional necessary evidence/data to complete the process.
Your facilitator will be in touch with you within 30 school days of receipt of this referral to update you on the process.