The Auburn School District employs xello, a web-based career & college exploration program, to support Washington's High School and Beyond Plan. Xello allows students to explore career interests & learn how to prepare for a rewarding future. Students have the opportunity to earn .25 general elective credits per semester for completion of required milestones.
September 24, Explore Career Matches
November 5, Skills
November 26, Skills Lab
December 10, Saved Schools
January 7, Financial Literacy Milestone 1
January 14, Goals & Plans
February 11, Khan Academy SAT Practice & PSAT Score Entry
March 11, Perseverance
April 15, Study Skills & Habits
May-13, Personality Styles
June-10, Financial Literacy, Milestone 2
xello Lesson Plans Grade 10
September 24, Work Values/Explore Career Matches
November 5, Learning Styles
November 26, Careers and Lifestyle Costs
December 10, Goals & Plans
January 7, Financial Literacy, Milestone 3
January 14, Perseverance
February 11, Kahn Academy SAT Practice & PSAT Score Entry
March 11, Workplace Skills and Attitudes
April 15, Exploring Career Factors
May-13, xello Make-up
June-10, Financial Literacy, Milestone 4
September 24, Explore Career Matches
November 5, Choosing a College
November 26, College Planning-Knowledge Hub
December 10, Program Prospects
January 7, Financial Literacy, Milestone 5
January 14, Career Demand
February 11, Kahn Academy SAT Practice & PSAT Score Entry
March 11, Getting Experience
April 15, Work/Life Balance
May-13, Perseverance
June-10, Financial Literacy, Milestone 6
September 24, Compare Schools
November 5, Defining Success
November 26, Build Your Resume
December 10, Careeer Path Choices
January 7, Financial Literacy, Milestone 7
January 14 Financial Aid Programs
February 11, SAT Score Reporting
March 11, Entrepreneurial Skills
April 15, Post Secondary Applications
May- 13, Career Backup Plans & Job Interviews
June 10, Financial Literacy, Milestone 8