The Auburn School District employs xello, a web-based career & college exploration program, to support Washington's High School and Beyond Plan. Xello allows students to explore career interests & learn how to prepare for a rewarding future. Students have the opportunity to earn .25 general elective credits per semester for completion of required milestones.  

Grade 9 Milestones

Grade 10 Milestones

Grade 11 Milestones

Grade 12 Milestones

xello Lesson Plans Grade 9

September 24, Explore Career Matches

November 5, Skills

November 26, Skills Lab

December 10, Saved Schools

January 7, Financial Literacy Milestone 1

January 14, Goals & Plans

February 11, Khan Academy SAT Practice & PSAT Score Entry

March 11, Perseverance

April 15, Study Skills & Habits

May-13, Personality Styles

June-10, Financial Literacy, Milestone 2

xello Lesson Plans Grade 10

September 24, Work Values/Explore Career  Matches 

November 5, Learning Styles

November 26, Careers and Lifestyle Costs

December 10, Goals & Plans

January 7, Financial Literacy, Milestone 3

January 14, Perseverance

February 11, Kahn Academy SAT Practice & PSAT Score Entry

March 11, Workplace Skills and Attitudes

April 15, Exploring Career Factors

May-13, xello Make-up

June-10, Financial Literacy, Milestone 4

xello Lesson Plans Grade 11

September 24, Explore Career Matches 

November 5, Choosing a College

November 26, College Planning-Knowledge Hub

December 10, Program Prospects

January 7, Financial Literacy, Milestone 5

January 14, Career Demand

February 11,  Kahn Academy SAT Practice & PSAT Score Entry

March 11,  Getting Experience

April 15,  Work/Life Balance

May-13, Perseverance

June-10, Financial Literacy, Milestone 6

xello Lesson Plans Grade 12

September 24, Compare Schools

November 5, Defining Success

November 26, Build Your Resume

December 10, Careeer Path Choices

January 7, Financial Literacy, Milestone 7

January 14 Financial Aid Programs

February 11, SAT Score Reporting

March 11, Entrepreneurial Skills

April 15,  Post Secondary Applications

May- 13, Career Backup Plans & Job Interviews

June 10, Financial Literacy, Milestone 8