Athena AI Solutions
Who We Are
provide cutting edge technologies for customers delight and support our partners to make well educated decisions, backed by strong descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, prescriptive analysis of the past, current and future trends.
What We Do
Thrive our partners' success, by providing well trained and experienced engineers onsite and offshore to build Analytical & Machine Learning Solutions. Also provide technical consultation on Software Architecture, Data Governance & Data Security, Big-Data, Digital Transformation,
Solution Implementations and Cloud migration. Custom build solutions to fit our partners' Business Needs.
Bussiness Intelligence
Build business intelligence for the production, sales, marketing to make educated decisions based on factual data and realistic feedback to the changes in real time.
Big Data Management
Data allows companies to make better decisions and increase efficiency. With Big Data, we make analytics, and figure out the most valuable customers and also help businesses create new experiences, services, and products
Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics requires a data-driven culture. Predictive analytics encompasses a variety of statistical techniques from data mining, predictive modelling, and machine learning, that analyze current and historical facts to make predictions about future or otherwise unknown events. Predictive analytics in business is the latest trend in the market bringing in directed traffic to your model.
Machine Learning
We strive to find out natural patterns in data that generate insight and helps to make better decisions and predictions. Businesses can leverage consumer data to build useful customer profiles, increase sales and improve brand loyalty.
Web Development
We provide web services for our customers, we optimize the business value of the client firms, offering alternative solutions. Our High-quality websites offer sophistication and aesthetic appeal, which have a deep impact on the thought process of customers.
Data Science
We use Data science methodologies to explore historical, make comparisons to competition, analyze the market, and ultimately, make recommendations of when and where the product or services will sell best. This can help to understand how our product helps others and, as needed