Ateneo de Manila University - Quarterly Self-Monitoring Report 2020

According to Presidential Decree (PD) no. 1586, “No person, partnership or corporation shall undertake or operate any such declared environmentally critical project or area without first securing an Environmental Compliance Certificate issued by the President or his duly authorized representative.” In order to secure an ECC, the project proponent must comply with all the requirements of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) system.

One of these requirements is the quarterly submission of a Self-Monitoring Report (SMR) pursuant to DENR Administrative Order (DAO) no. 27 series of 2003. This report is a public document regularly submitted to the DENR-EMB, with the purpose of providing information on the establishment’s compliance and overall environmental performance. It consists of 6 modules:

  • Module 1: General Information

  • Module 2: RA 6969 Hazardous Waste

  • Module 3: PD 984 Pollution Control Law

  • Module 4: RA 8749 Air Pollution

  • Module 5: ECC Status

  • Module 6: Others

The SMR of Ateneo de Manila University for the 4th quarter of 2020 (October to December) provides evidence of the university’s collaboration and cooperation with government units at the local levels. In Module 1 of the SMR, it is shown that the university has already secured an ECC in compliance with PD 1586. They have also been issued a DENR registry ID and CCO Registry under RA 6969. As for the operation consumption, total water consumption for the quarter was 39,843 cubic meters, while total electricity consumption was 1,505,600 kilowatt hours.

Module 2 is evidence of the university’s compliance with RA 6969. The section detailing hazardous wastes generated shows that they generated less than 1 ton of HW for each class of waste, except for one (I102: Inceptor Sludge), of which 2 tons were generated. For classes D407: Mercury compounds and D499: Waste with inorganic chemical, a total of zero tons of waste was generated. The on-site self inspection of the storage area shows that no spills were found, and no HW were stored or untreated as of the end of the quarter.

Module 4 is proof of Ateneo recognizing their responsibility to the environment through their implementation of an environmental management plan. Construction of environmentally sound building, implementation of health and safety programs and proper maintenance of the sanitary facilities, installation of energy saving devices, and implementation of carpool system are all checked. The module also contains information on their solid waste management plan, as well as the quantity of solid wastes generated and collected during the month and quarter. Some of the waste management practices include the “bring your own baunan” system in cafeterias, and vermicomposting.

Lastly, Module 6 assures that there have been no accidents or emergencies during the quarter. The report is signed by Michael Canlas, Plant Manager and Supervisor, and Josephy Almosera, Pollution Control Officer.