Policies on Reporting Complaints

2019 Magna Carta of Loyola Schools' Undergraduate Students on "Rights of Complainants"

  1. Students shall have the right to file a report regarding harmful situations and to file complaints against their perpetrators if these are inflicted by another member of the Loyola Schools community within or outside campus. Students shall also have access to psychological or other forms of medical assistance.

  1. Complainants shall have the right to be free from retaliation. Retaliation includes:

  • Direct or indirect intimidation

  • Threats

  • Coercion

  • Harassment

  • Other acts which could reasonably deter a party or witness from filing a complaint or participating in an investigation.

Loyola Schools' Administrative Manual on "Employee Rights to Due Process"

Complaints of sexual misconduct and harassment against any LS employee are brought to the Gender Hub for processing and coordination with the proper offices. Cases of sexual harassment are handled by the University’s Committee on Decorum and Investigation (CODI) which reports directly to the University President.

Code of Decorum and Administrative Rules on "Do-No-Harm Principle"

The University upholds the Do-No-Harm Principle. In all matters related to sexual harassment, other forms of sexual misconduct, and inappropriate behavior, the University shall decide and act in a way that is most conducive to promoting the well-being of persons who experience such acts, and will avoid exposing them to further harm, revictimization, and retraumatization, taking into consideration the totality of circumstances.