Use of the HS Covered Courts

The Ateneo High School Covered Courts is one of the most iconic places in the Ateneo High School. Aside from the regular Physical Education classes, the covered courts also serve as the venue for a number of events for the Ateneo High School community, including masses, concerts, and even the high school prom.

Although the high school is mostly used by members of the Ateneo community, the covered courts are open to the public from time-to-time for certain events. One example for this is the annual Lights for Hope event, wherein Ateneo student volunteers interact with young children from partner institutions in the spirit of volunteerism and community service. The event includes activities that foster holistic development and formation, imagination, education, and play for these children in impoverished communities. During this event, the University accommodates over 800 children from their partner communities, while over 400 members of the Ateneo de Manila community volunteer to assist with the event.

The Ateneo Football Center (AFC) is another group that holds regular events in the High School Covered Courts. The goal of the AFC is to “provide the basic foundation for the physical development of the child and to promote football as a wholesome and enriching sport”. Established in 1982, it continues to spread the love of physical development and football through instructional programs, open plays, and other events that are open to the public.