Student Organizations

Given the goal of the University to educate and foster its students’ holistic development and overall formation, it is pertinent to promote and support the various student organizations within the establishment and recognize them as formative and influential groups that support the University’s ultimate mission. With the vast and varied populace of the Ateneo’s student body, the University has become home to a diverse batch of organizations, each with their own unique specialty and focus that help improve its members’ skills, abilities, and overall vision with regards to their own personal goals and chosen vocations. Of these various organizations, those regarding the formation of a student council or development of skills in political advocacies and/or governance, the University proudly vouches for its own fair share of groups and sectors further exposing students to such formative and significant education.

The most prominent of these student organizations is the Sanggunian ng mga Mag-aaral ng mga Paaralang Loyola ng Ateneo de Manilacommonly referred to as the ‘Sanggunian’--which is best known as the ‘main’ student council organization within the University. As the most prominent student council organization and the official student government in the University, the Sanggunian is divided into four factions, with one ‘government’ representing each School to best serve the interests of each student group. The Sanggunian also acts as a link between the general student body and the official Ateneo administration and various offices, sending important announcements from the offices to the student body via social media and other forms of communication, and voicing out student concerns to the administration to help enforce changes and improvements to accommodate both parties. A student council is also recognized in the other Ateneo schools, such as the Ateneo School of Public Health and Medicine, and the Ateneo Graduate School of Business.