Ateneo Global Climate Change Week

In November 2019, the Ateneo Global Climate Corps (AGCC), a student organization of the University, hosted “Hudyat”, a week long event to celebrate the annual Global Climate Change Week. Here AGCC hosted several activities that aimed to raise awareness.

First was “Oblivious to the Obvious: A Forum on Climate Change and Our Prevailing Harmful Practices in the Global and Local Scale”. This was a forum where Ateneans were able to listen to talks held by professionals in the environmental field to spread awareness about the effects and current status of Climate Change in the country.

Next, a Spoken Word Poetry activity was held where different artists operating within and outside the Ateneo creatively shared their thoughts on the topic of climate change. Attendees got to watch thought-provoking pieces about the systematic oppression climate change presents. Featured artists helped connect the struggles of the natural world to the struggles of contemporary society, and how the negligence of humanity is not only damaging nature, but also the marginalized and the generations to come.

Finally a forum entitled, “Work Hand in Hand, Give Earth a Hand: A Forum on How the Public and Private Sector Can Work Together to Counterattack and Adapt to Climate Change” was held. Here, experts were able to provide talks about how private and public sectors can act to put a stop to harmful practices in the environment and to push forth sustainable practices for the country to adapt to the effects of climate change. Furthermore, the AGCC also held plastic and e-waste collection drives at certain points of the week.

For more information on Ateneo Global Climate Corps, visit their Facebook page at