University Policy for Addressing Students with Special Needs

As a Filipino, Catholic, and Jesuit institution, the Ateneo de Manila University abides by values such as inclusivity and respect for all, without discrimination of any kind. It is a University open to everyone, regardless of nationality, gender, religion, or socioeconomic background. The University Policy for Addressing Students with Special Needs declares the principles Ateneo upholds in the development of a safe and healthy learning environment that respects diversity. It serves as evidence that the University aims to reduce inequality by undertaking specific actions to promote inclusivity, from admissions and accommodations to awareness-raising.

In Section C: Admissions Standards and Procedures, it states that “applicants with special needs who seek admission to the University follow the same admissions standards as all other applicants.” From this alone, it is clear that the admissions policy of the University is non-discriminatory. Their belief is that quality education should be made accessible to all. It also states that “each School makes the initial decision of acceptance in accordance with its established admission standards, procedures, and requirements, which are fair, transparent, and consistent with University principles and policies.” This shows that each applicant is held to the same reasonable standard, making the admission process equal for all. One aspect of the assessment of applications includes the perusal of an applicant’s past disciplinary records to determine conduct that may be detrimental to the welfare of the community. This is done not out of discriminatory intent, but with the sole purpose of ensuring the safety of both the applicant and the Ateneo community.

Section E: Policy for Accommodating Students with Special Needs (Post-Admission) discusses the framework the University adopts in addressing special needs, which includes the following processes: Identification, Assessment, Intervention, Monitoring/Reassessment, and Closure/Outcome. The first process, Identification, is done through either disclosure or discovery. Students with special needs are strongly encouraged to disclose these upon their admission along with the required documentation. Discovery is when a behavior that may be symptomatic of a need requiring special attention is identified and then referred to the appropriate office for proper documentation and assessment. The second process, Assessment, refers to the review of the documentation by either the appropriate School office or a licensed professional outside the School. Next, interventions to address a student’s special needs may be given when requested and deemed appropriate, and may be in the form of academic accommodations, psycho-emotional support, medical/psychiatric referral, formative action, and others. As for Monitoring and Reassessment, this refers to the assessment of the student depending on the impact of their special need on their own academic performance, health, or safety, or that of the other members of the community. The result of this assessment may affect the student’s stay. A student with a verified special need is expected to regularly meet with their assigned guidance counselor, mentor, and/or moral-spiritual director to provide regular updates to the School. Lastly, for Closure/Outcome, this refers to the outcome of the School’s interventions on behalf of the student with special needs. Closure of a case should be substantiated by official documentation from the appropriate offices.

The entire Policy is applicable to all applicants and students of the University. It serves as evidence that Ateneo is thorough in its pursuit to foster inclusivity and fairness. It has a reasonable and equal admissions process, and follows a rigorous and considerate framework in addressing students with special needs. The University is committed to reducing inequality, preventing discrimination, and providing quality education for all.