2016 Sustainability Policies and Specific Guidelines

General Policy Statement

General Policy Statement

  1. The University seeks to preserve, extend, and communicate truth and apply it to human development and the preservation of the environment. Specifically, it seeks to:

  • Mainstream sustainable development, so that it is a major consideration in planning and decision-making in both the University and the larger society;

  • Reduce disaster risk due to climate change and other geo-hazards, and in the process, build resilient communities and develop a responsive citizenry; and

  • Build a sustainable campus and develop templates, which can be shared with other institutions and communities.

  1. The University promotes the idea of sustainability in the context of a developing country, i.e., to manage current resources in such a way that future generations can meet their needs (WCED, 1987; Asheim, 1994), while emphasizing the need to reduce inequality and inequity (High Level Panel on Global Sustainability, 2012; Norton, 2012). This brand of sustainability recognizes the tension among social, environmental, and economic concerns and seeks to address them innovatively.