Supporting Persons With Disabilities

In line with its goal of fostering inclusivity within its community, the Ateneo has implemented several policies in support of persons with disabilities. These are all designed to provide equal access to quality education and a safe learning environment that discourages any form of discrimination.

The Ateneo's Policy On Addressing Students With Special Needs offers a detailed list of important terminologies. Specifically, it details how the University defines as a disability, special needs, and acts of discrimination. “Special needs” include physical disabilities and chronic medical conditions, neuro-development conditions, and psycho-emotional and psychiatric conditions. Having this clear guide helps enforce the parameters of the policy and ensures that there is no grey area when it comes to determining violations.

The policy also clearly states that student applicants with disabilities will undergo the same admissions standards as other applicants. These include aptitude tests in addition to assessing submitted references, interviews, essays, and research proposals. The initial decision to accept an applicant is made by each School, without any inquiry on the student's special needs.

A new proposed framework details a post-admission process to help accommodate students with special needs. Once admitted into the University, students are encouraged to self-disclose their special needs and conditions that may affect their studies so the University can provide the proper support they need. If needed, the University is also prepared to offer professional assessment, intervention, and monitoring for the student's well-being. All information will be kept confidential and only accessed on a need-to-know basis.

Some services that the University offers to students with disabilities include authorizing a chaperone or companion for mobility assistance, providing a special parking pass for PWDs, assistance with transferring classrooms found on the ground level for easy access, special lanes for onsite enrollment and various services, and ready assistance with student insurance claims.