Smoke-Free Community: Enhanced University No Smoking Policy

In 2009, Ateneo de Manila University implemented a “No Smoking Policy” in accordance with the prohibitions of smoking in the “playschools, elementary schools, high schools, colleges, and universities” of the Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 (Republic Act 9211).

The university went a step further than what the law required by implementing a total ban on smoking in all Ateneo de Manila University properties in 2013, which include the following: the Loyola Heights campus, the Ateneo Professional Schools campuses in Rockwell and Salcedo in Makati, the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health campus in Pasig, and all satellite campuses. In 2019, the total ban was further expanded to cover all tobacco and non-tobacco cigarette products, and the use of electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems (e-cigarettes, vapes, and others).

A memo released by the Office of the President dated 26 August 2021 further strengthened the University’s no-smoking measures by means of an Enhanced University No Smoking Policy. The memo outlines the continued total ban on smoking in all University premises, whether inside or outside school buildings or parked vehicles. This extends to all individuals visiting, working, or operating within the campus.