Loyola Schools Campus Master Plan

The Ateneo de Manila University Sustainability Guidelines state concrete steps to execute the University's third strategic thrust of Environment and Development in line with the school's commitment to building sustainable campuses. Under this thrust, the University aims to mainstream sustainable development so that it is a major consideration in planning and decision-making in both the University and the larger society.

With this, the University, through the Campus Facilities Management Office (CFMO) and the Ateneo Institute of Sustainability (AIS), ensures that the operations of the University, including construction and traffic flow, have a minimal impact on the campus wildlife. Taking this a step further, the University’s Campus Master Plan indicates the way in which these two offices delineated the buildable and the non-buildable areas campus so as to protect existing flora and fauna within the University. As seen in the master plan, forested areas still comprise a significant percentage of the campus.