Hazardous Waste Management Program

The Hazardous Waste Management Program of Ateneo de Manila University was written and designed based on Administrative Order 36, S-2004 of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

Headed by the Central Facilities Management Office (CFMO), the office leads in overseeing the program’s flow and progress. Plans are developed, executed and evaluated for the necessary improvements needed to expand the program.

The team tasked to spearhead the handling of the entirety of the program are the Hazardous Waste Manager, the Pollution Control Officer, and the Safety Officers. The team undergoes the necessary training with the DENR to ensure that the program is followed and implemented accurately.

Waste is considered hazardous when it poses potential threats to either or both public health and the environment. Accumulated waste is classified according to the characteristics of its materials. Liquid materials which have flash points below 60 degrees are classified as ignitable (D001 waste code). Corrosive materials (D002 code) are those which damage other substances it comes into contact with. Waste with reactivity characteristics (D003 code) are considered unstable. These may react to water or heat or release toxic gases. Toxic waste (D004) is harmful when ingested or absorbed. There is danger of contamination in the event that the waste leaches into groundwater.

The Hazardous Waste Classification Code used in the Hazardous Waste Management Program is detailed in the DAO 92 – 29. Hazardous Waste is properly tagged according to the DENR standards and requirements. The characteristic, classification, nature and quantity of the waste is printed clearly on the tag to assist in its proper disposal.

Each department of the Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) is required to produce and submit a quarterly inventory of the hazardous waste produced and collected. This is given to the Pollution Control Officer (PCO) for submission to the DENR. The documentation of hazardous waste is of utmost importance. All are taken note of including the classification, packaging and labelling and the movement of the hazardous waste containers from one area to another.

Storage facilities for hazardous waste need to be easily reached by the emergency response team in case an unforeseen event occurs. The facility has to be fitted with a fire suspension system, well ventilated, enclosed, secure and inaccessible by unauthorized personnel. The flooring must be resistant to chemical attack and impermeable. The personnel who manage the storage facility is one who is aware of emergency protocols, proper stacking of drums (maximum of four drums) on raised pallets to allow air circulation and for easy inspection for possible leaks. Acids and bases are also segregated from other hazardous waste.

No disposal of hazardous materials are allowed under the Hazardous Waste Management Program of ADMU. This includes fats, grease, gasoline, fuel oil, flammable liquid, and others. Acids need to be neutralized prior to its disposal. Instead, waste disposal should be conducted by accredited service providers of the DENR.

Emergency numbers are posted near landlines and in the vicinity of the Storage Facility, in case of emergencies. Ateneo EPR Team assesses the emergency situation, secures the area and instructs for the evacuation of all personnel. Their priority for an Emergency Spill Procedure is to confine the spill to prevent contamination of waterways and sewerage systems. On the other hand, for Emergency Chemical Fire, immediate evacuation is required. The Storage Facility door is closed, but not locked, to contain toxic gas and fumes.