Flexible Work Arrangements for Employees

Since March 2020, the Philippines has been deluged with imposed on-off lockdowns and strict health restrictions by the national government in an attempt to curb the rising cases from the COVID-19 virus. The ongoing pandemic has not only made a critical impact on the country’s health infrastructures but has also brought about severe economic implications that continue to affect millions of households across the country due to the limited physical mobility of workers and employees. The Philippines’ unreliable mass transit also poses a problem—at present, mass transportation systems continue to operate at a reduced capacity to adhere to nationally mandated health protocols.

The Ateneo de Manila University is well aware of how difficult it may be to be physically present amidst such trying circumstances and recognizes the mental, emotional, and physical burden of a persisting health crisis on all of its workers, employees, and staff. With this, the University has implemented a new policy that allows for a flexible/variable work arrangement to improve work conditions and foster a healthy work-life balance for all.

This policy allows University employees with an additional rest day apart from the one regular rest day per week. Corollary to this, the flexible/variable work arrangement will result in the reduction of work-related costs for the employee by compressing the hours of work required in a week to just five (5) days, instead of the usual six (6) days per week—all while maintaining the forty-four (44) hour workweek.

The flexible/variable work arrangement scheme shall only be implemented by an office or department following the express approval of the Cluster Head and the written voluntary agreement of all participating employees. Furthermore, to ensure that the scheme is following nationally mandated labor laws, a report on the adoption of the flexible/variable work arrangement will also be submitted to the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) for approval in compliance with the DOLE Department Advisory No. 02, Series of 2014.

Moreover, additional guidelines concerning conduct have also been implemented for employees who are on a work-from-home arrangement in the University. In brief, the guidelines serve as a reminder that all applicable provisions of the Employee Code of Discipline, Staff Rules and Regulations, and University Code of Conduct and Ethics, as well as other University policies pertaining to employee conduct (e.g. the Social Media Guide of June 2020 and the UDPO Advisory No. 18-01 on E-mail Use and Data Protection), shall remain in force and effect even when on a work-from-home arrangement.

Ultimately, the flexible/variable work arrangement policy mandated by the University places employee welfare at the forefront by substantially eliminating or reducing the need to commute to and from work, providing workers some flexibility in response to health protocols or other difficulties that may prevent a physical presence at the University, and accommodating the mental, physical, and emotional health concerns of its employees amid such challenging times.