Building A Gender Inclusive, Gender Responsive, and Gender Safe Community

The University abides by a policy entitled The Loyola Schools Policy Statement on Building a Gender Inclusive, Gender Responsive, and Gender Safe Community. It defines an inclusive community as one that “respects human dignity, one’s right to self-identity and self-expression, and diversity.” A gender-responsive community is one that “promotes gender equality, gender sensitivity, and gender-fair education.” A safe community “is free of sexual or gender-based violence, discrimination, and harassment. It recognizes the inherent dignity of every person; any form of violation of the body is a violation of a person’s dignity and integrity.” In defining these terms, Ateneo makes its vision of a safe community evident to everyone. It aims to cultivate a culture of genuine respect and equality for all.

How exactly does the University plan to build the community it aims to achieve? The Policy Statement explains that the Loyola Schools is dedicated to creating an enabling environment, developing transformative practices, and providing adequate responses. It goes on to define the three specified actions. An enabling environment is one that “institutionalizes policies, standards, and procedures which facilitate the promotion of a gender inclusive, gender responsive, and gender safe Loyola Schools community.” Next, transformative practices “address existing biased or discriminatory policies, practices, and programs, and effect change for the betterment of life for all.” Lastly, adequate responses “provide appropriate measures and genuine efforts to realize progressively a gender inclusive, gender responsive, and gender safe community for all.” These statements give us a clearer picture on the steps Ateneo takes to build this community. It strives to be a progressive university that inculcates gender inclusivity, responsiveness, and safety into its culture. It makes it known to the community that each person can feel recognized and respected, and if ever they are not, that the University will take action to change for the better. The Policy Statement is evidence of the genuine understanding and empathy that Ateneo possesses in the treatment of its community, especially in ensuring anti-discrimination and anti-harrassment.