5th International Workshop on Real-life modeling in 5G/6G networks and beyond


Tuscany (Lucca), Italy,

June 9 to June 11, 2025


Scope and Overview

The economic and societal potential of emerging 5G/6G and cyber-physical social systems is vastly greater than what has been realized so far, and major investments are being made worldwide to develop the corresponding science and technology. The Future Internet paradigm, the proliferation of emerging networks and architectures, wireless access technologies and multi-homing smart devices are evolving towards a competitive environment, where users and devices have access to various resources, while their behaviors become strongly interdependent. This fact demands and motivates the development of user-centric resource management and optimization frameworks, which enable user’s self-optimization and autonomy. This vision is further motivated and supported by the convergence of various emerging technologies enabling Cyber-Physical Systems operation, including 5G/B5G/6G technologies, Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile Edge Computing and Software Defined Networking, all targeting flexibility and efficiency. To deal with the involved complexity, and driven by the requirements of autonomy and scalability, distributed resource orchestration approaches appear as a necessity rather than a desire.

The REFRESH Workshop aims at to stimulate research on the most novel topics of real-life modeling in 5G/6G networks and beyond. This year’s edition encourages submission of theoretical and experimental work (including studies of real deployment), with a primary interest in new directions of wireless networking in concrete application scenarios and demonstrators in areas such as, but not limited to: mobile edge computing, Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, public safety networks, dynamic spectrum utilization, smart grid communications, wireless power communication, green wireless networks, information-centric wireless networks. The workshop seeks original work presented in the form of research papers describing new research and development approaches and results, as well as work-in-progress papers. Highly disruptive work-in-progress and position papers are also welcome, provided they focus on particularly innovative solutions or applications for 5G/6G networks and beyond. All papers shall be forward-looking, describe their relationship to existing work, and shall argue their impact and implications for ongoing or future research. Selected workshop papers will also be considered for publication in a Special Issue and/or Special Sections of international peer-reviewed journals.

Important Dates

Paper Submission: April 8, 2025

Acceptance Notification: April 25, 2025 

Camera Ready: May 9, 2025 

Early Registration: TBA

Workshop Day: TBA 

 Topics of interest include, but are not limited to