Welcome to the NEMO group at Arizona State University

Our research lies at the intersection of artificial intelligence, operations research, economics, and engineering, with a specific focus on developing mathematical models for decision-making and economic analysis of large-scale networked systems. While our current emphasis lies in applications such as cloud/edge computing and smart grids, we are also interested in exploring exciting areas such as smart cities/healthcare/transportation, online food delivery, data markets, crowdsourcing, and social goods. Our overarching goals are: (1) to design models and algorithms for automated control as well as optimal operation and planning of complex systems under uncertainty (aka mathematical modeling and optimization); and (2) to build intelligent, secure, fair, and efficient multi-agent platforms and marketplaces that engage multiple users with different objectives (aka market design, game theory, and mechanism design). To fulfill these goals, we employ an arsenal of computational tools from optimization, game theory, operations research, ML/AI, microeconomics, and secure computation.


05/01/2024: Jiaming Cheng will officially join our lab as a Ph.D. student. Welcome Jiaming.

04/08/2024: Our paper "Nash equilibrium seeking over digraphs with row-stochastic matrices and network-independent step-sizes" has been selected as a Finalist for the Best Student Paper Award at ACC 2024. This is a joint work between our lab and Prof. Angelia Nedich (ASU), Dr. Mattia Bianchi (ETH Zurich), and Prof. Florian Dörfler (ETH Zurich). Congrats, Ella! 

01/08/2024: Long Vu and Sahar Omar A Alhasani will join our lab as Ph.D. students. Welcome Long and Sahar.

08/24/2023: Our paper "CrowdCache: A Decentralized Game-Theoretic Framework for Mobile Edge Content Sharing" has been selected as a Finalist for the Best Paper Award at WiOpt 2023, and was invited for fast-track submission to IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering. Congrats, Ella and Jiaming!