Mrs. Weinfurt's English Page


In 2022-23, I am teaching the following courses:


As I start my 20th year at Assabet, I find myself coming nearly full circle.  I began my Assabet career by teaching sophomores, juniors, and seniors.  When I switched to half-time in 2006, I taught exclusively juniors for the next five years.  After teaching just freshmen for eight years,  I returned to my roots and my favorite junior curriculum last year.  

This page here is mostly for parents/guardians, as students will be using Google Classroom for all school work.  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about your child's class.

You can find information about the Advanced Placement Program at Assabet here.  I will NOT be the AP Liaison in the 2021-23 school years.  Mrs. Johnson will be this year's AP Liaison.

About me:

I have been an English teacher for twenty-four years, most of them at Assabet.  I have taught each grade level over these years.  I am currently teaching four sections of English 11.  I teach on A weeks only.

I have a BA in English from The College of the Holy Cross (Worcester) and an MAT in English from Fitchburg State.  I continue my education with graduate courses every few years, maintaining my license and my knowledge of current trends in teaching and technology.  

I live with my husband and two sons and am actively engaged in their school communities and my local community.