Non-Manual Markers

a. What is Nonmanual Markers? Nonmanual Signals? 

What is the difference?

"The term "non-manual marker" refers to a type of non-manual signal (that you do without using your hands) that influences (marks) the meaning of something else that you are signing. A non-manual marker is always a non-manual signal. But a non-manual signal is not always a non-manual marker." It is like non-manual marker is an umbrella term that covers all aspects of Thus, the reason we call one of the parameters non-manual markers (NMM) (Source).

A. QuestionTypes.pptx

b. Eyebrow Movement

YES/NO Question Expression:

 When signing a question that can be answered "yes or no" you raise your eyebrows and tilt your head forward a bit.

b. Do you have a brother? ¿Tienes un hermano?.mp4
c. When will you go home? ¿Cuándo vas a ir a casa?.mp4
b. Where do you live? ¿Dónde vives?.mp4

"WH-Q" Question Expression:

When signing a question involving "who, what, when, where, how, how much, how many, which, or why" you use what is called a "wh" question facial expression. The "wh" facial expression "furrows" the eyebrows a bit and may tilt the head back a bit--while the body might lean forward a bit.

c. Mouth Morphemes and Tongue Movements

NMM mouth
NMS Mouth Morphemes.doc
ASL Mouth Morphemes.pdf

d. Role Shift

e. Eye Gaze and Eye Movement

f. Nose Movement

see Slides on Parameters of Facial Grammar below for more information

g. Slides on NMM/NMS

Parameters of Facial Grammar.pptx
NMS_ASLRT 2018_Riddle.pdf
Meaning of Grammatical Non-Manual Signals in ASL.ppt