Being Well, Doing Well

Family Wellbeing Hub for ASH Parents

We're committed to schoolwide wellbeing.

Wellbeing is a strategic priority at ASH. In the 2019-20 school year, we asked the entire ASH community to be involved in a reflection on where we are as a school and where we would like to go. We considered our strengths, opportunities for growth, and the aspirations of our students, staff, and parents. We also surveyed the future of the work force and what the world will need to meet emerging challenges.

Being Well, Doing Well is one of four strategic ambitions to help us move closer to our vision. We heard loudly and clearly from all stakeholder groups that balance is important to our lives, and that we all need internal tools and resources to be able to carry out the important work of learning and pursuing our passions without wearing ourselves down.

The ability to access one's inner resources and take care of oneself is crucial in an increasingly fast-paced world. We will therefore prioritize the establishment of scientifically validated models of wellbeing for all members of the community.

OBJECTIVE: Students, parents and staff have a clear model and various paths to pursue happiness and wellbeing at ASH.

Here's what we're doing to build wellbeing for everyone at ASH...

To support our vision of delivering wellbeing excellence for our entire community, ASH has formed a 3-year partnership with Professor Lea Waters, AM, Ph.D. of the University of Melbourne.

Dr. Waters is a world leader in Positive Education whose research-based Visible Wellbeing approach has been implemented in more than 350 independent and international schools in North America, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and New Zealand.

ASH is proud to be working with Dr. Waters to bring world-class wellbeing approaches to our community, particularly at a time when wellbeing has never been more critical.

Working directly with Dr. Waters, ASH is the first Visible Wellbeing school in Europe and will be established as a Lighthouse School for wellbeing in the region. ASH will become a living case study for schoolwide wellbeing practices, striving to become an exemplar school as well as offering ongoing professional development opportunities in Positive Education for the EMEA region and beyond.

The 3-Year Visible Wellbeing Roadmap

To support practical implementation and sustainable change, ASH is engaging in a 3-year schoolwide wellbeing initiative.

Year 1 (2020-21)
Foundations & Measurement

In year one, a pilot team of staff received training, gained firsthand experience with Visible Wellbeing, and planned how to roll out the approach at ASH. We conducted surveys and focus groups to audit current wellbeing practices and identify opportunities for rounding out our schoolwide approach.

Year 2 (2021-22)
Whole-School Engagement

In year two, our entire community will have opportunities to learn about and implement the Visible Wellbeing practices at school and at home. Activities will include staff training, a parent workshop, a student advisory group, and continued showcasing of how we're building wellbeing at ASH.

Year 3 (2022-23)
Embedding and Re-Measurement

In year three, our community will continue learning and establishing Visible Wellbeing practices through staff training and parent events. We will also re-measure wellbeing community-wide to learn about the impact our efforts are having on building wellbeing for every ASH community member.