Will Richardson

ROLE: Co-Founder

INSTITUTE: Big Questions Institute

COUNTRY: United States of America

A former public school educator of 22 years, Will has spent the last 15 years developing an international reputation as a leading thinker and writer about the intersection of social online learning networks, education, and systemic change. Most recently, Will is a co-founder of The Big Questions Institute which was created to help educators use "fearless inquiry" to make sense of this complex moment and an uncertain future.

Recently, Will was named one of 100 global "Changemakers in Education" by the Finnish site HundrED, and was named one of the Top 5 "Edupreneurs to Follow" by Forbes. He has given keynote speeches, lead breakout sessions, and provided coaching services in over 30 countries on 6 continents. (Come on Antartica!) He has also authored six books, and given TEDx Talks in New York, Melbourne, and Vancouver.

Will has two adult children, Tess and Tucker, and lives in rural New Jersey with his wife Wendy.

TWITTER: @willrich45

CO-PRESENTER: Homa Sabet Tavangar

KEYNOTE: "Now is No Time to Go 'Back to Normal' in Schools"


As we begin to see a small light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, the pull to going "back to normal" will become stronger and stronger. But let's remember that "normal" is what caused many of the challenges that we face today: social injustice, income inequality, climate change, rising populism, and information illiteracy. For educators especially, instead of going back, we need to go forward to create schools that are more relevant, more equitable, and more just for all children. To do so requires a deep interrogation of the fundamentals of our work. This keynote will challenge you to grapple with nine crucial questions on a personal level, and to confront a new narrative for educators in this moment of huge disruption and change.

STRAND: Keynote


LANGUAGE: English (Simultaneous translation to Spanish will be available)

TIME: Keynote 9:00-10:15

WORKSHOP: Planning for the Post Pandemic School: Reflect, Reset, Reinvent


Building on the themes of the morning keynote, this session will provide a small-group opportunity to dive more deeply into the process of strategic design for schools in the post-pandemic world. Given the urgent challenges that we are now confronted with, we'll look at an effective frame for moving forward with hope and optimism into the future. We'll interrogate three BIG questions: Who are we now given the tumult of the last 14 months? What must we decide to shed from our systems and practices in this moment? And what must we aspire to as schools as communities committed to providing a relevant preparation for the children we serve? Highly interactive and provocative, this two-hour session will leave you with specific starting points and tools for the important journey ahead.

STRAND: Designing for Now



TIME: PM Workshop 1:30-3:45