Vicki Anderson

ROLE: Technology Trainer & Associate Professor

SCHOOL: Stealthbits Technologies & Arizona State University

COUNTRY: United States of America

Vicki Anderson specializes in digital literacy, technology integration, distance learning, and innovation in teaching and learning. After teaching high school English for many years, Vicki became a K-12 Instructional Technology Coach and Google for Education Certified Trainer. She earned her Master of Education degree in Educational Technology from Arizona State University, where she now teaches EdTech courses. She is also the Technical Training Manager for Stealthbits Technologies.

TWITTER: @MsVickiAnderson

Meaningful Connections in Distance Learning


Discover strategies for connecting with students and building important relationships which may be lacking in distance or blended learning environments. Participants will come away with ideas, templates, and methods for bringing students into a meaningful classroom community.

STRAND: Not More Tech!

TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers/Educators, Administrators/School Leaders, Technology Coaches/Integrationists

TARGET GRADE LEVEL: Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, High School

TECH LEVEL: Beginner


TIME: Session 2: 11:45-12:45


Laptop preferred but not required