Susannah Johnson

ROLE: Education Revolutionary

SCHOOL: Individualized realized, PLN Project, What School Could Be, IMPACT Bound

COUNTRY: United States of America

Pursuing liberated learning, Susannah seeks an education revolution that includes the ultimate in empowered, student-centered learning, and redefining what it means to be an educator. A regular presenter, author, and entrepreneur helping shape the future of education through Individualized Realized, Susannah is also a Co-Founder with IMPACT Bound and PLN Project, and is the Director of Global and Grassroots Curriculum and Coaching for What School Could Be.

TWITTER: @SusannahJ808

Individualized Learning as a Global Mindset for Critical Thinking, Meaningful Assessment and the Evolving Role of Educators


Envision an educational world where students are encouraged to be curious. The evolving role of educator includes being a coworker in learning. How do we shift to this mindset? What are key elements? What tools and strategies are needed, and how are they developed? Implications of individualized learning include creativity, critical thinking, intrinsic motivation, and confidence in students, plus, a culture of purposeful feedback, deep in critical thinking for truly liberated learning.

STRAND: Curiosity Alive

TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers/Educators, Administrators/School Leaders

TARGET GRADE LEVEL: Elementary, Middle School, High School

TECH LEVEL: Beginner


TIME: Session 3: 1:30-2:30


Nothing is needed.