Nola Heckmann

ROLE: Science Teacher

SCHOOL: American School Foundation of Monterrey


Nola is a passionate concept based educator with experience as a MS & HS science teacher, curriculum coordinator and instructional coach. She believes deeply in the power of pedagogy to transform lives and the responsibility of teachers to instill in every child self-belief to achieve greatly. Nola works to build students' conceptual understanding, personalize learning, and grow learner agency. A science geek, who loves all 3-dimensions of NGSS, the challenge of online learning & her family.

TWITTER: @VisibleTeaching

CO-PRESENTERS: Juan José Moreno

Student Voice: personalizing pacing, accountability and assessment in an online environment


Distance learning can be tough, but using the right tools can enhance students’ learning and the teaching experience to avoid burnout. This session will be organized using a successful framework developed for our online learning environment. Participants will take away practical tools and strategies ready to be implemented in their own setting for developing student agency, accountability and buildable assessment.

STRAND: Beyond Now

TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers/Educators

TARGET GRADE LEVEL: Middle School, High School

TECH LEVEL: Intermediate


TIME: Session 4: 2:45-3:45


Nothing is needed.