Juan David Lopez

ROLE: High School Principal

SCHOOL: The Columbus School

COUNTRY: Colombia

I am passionate about implementing research-based strategies to make learning more effective. I hold two BAs (one in Philosophy and Lit, and one in Theology), an MA in Multidisciplinary Studies, and I'm currently an EdD student at the University of Bath, UK. I'm currently researching how trust can maximize students learning and the role of school leaders as initiators of trust. I'm also a foodie in my spare time.

TWITTER: @jdlopezevans

How to be Intentional About Building Trust in my Teams


Participants will walk away with at least one research-based strategy that they will be able to implement right away to increase trust in their teams. Trust is important because it's the "oil" that allows all organizations to work effectively. High trusting schools are schools in which students learn more, teachers go above and beyond their duties, and feel happier. We will have small group discussions throughout the session so everybody can identify one thing they want to try to increase trust.

STRAND: Beyond Now

TARGET AUDIENCE: Administrators/School Leaders

TARGET GRADE LEVEL: Preschool, Elementary, Middle School, High School

TECH LEVEL: Intermediate


TIME: Session 2: 11:45-12:45

