Live Curious, Go Beyond Leadership Team

Doug Frankish

ROLE: Innovation Coach

SCHOOL: American School Foundation of Monterrey


Doug is an Innovation Coach at the American School Foundation of Monterrey. He began his career as an elementary homeroom teacher, taking an interest in the strategic use of technology and how it may improve the learning experience. He enjoys staying up to date on instructional practices and exploring his own research within the ASFM community. You can stay connected with Doug by visiting or @dougfrankish on Twitter.

TWITTER: @dougfrankish

CO-PRESENTER: Diana Irene Saldaña

16 Weeks, 48 Hours, 2880 Minutes of Distance Learning in a Nutshell


Are you struggling with Distance Learning? Do you think you have Distance Learning figured out? No matter what your mindset may be, this session will explore firsthand insights on distance learning. After spending 16 weeks observing virtual classrooms, ranging from Nursery to Grade 5, trends showed effective learning practices clustered into the categories of: Student Engagement, Transitions, Instructional Strategies, Social Emotional, Tech Tools & more. Come hear what worked, what didn't and leave with something new for your toolbox.

STRAND: Beyond Now

TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers/Educators, Administrators/School Leaders, Technology Coaches/Integrationists, Tech / IT Directors

TARGET GRADE LEVEL: Preschool, Elementary

TECH LEVEL: Beginner


TIME: Session 3-b: 2:00-2:30


Nothing is needed.