Bárbara Estefanía Ramírez Rivas

ROLE: Teacher

SCHOOL: Puebla American School Foundation


Graduated as a Food Engineer from the UDLAP in 2005. I've worked in the industry for a couple of companies mainly in the quality control area. I have working as a teacher for the last 14 years with the goal of meshing together 2 of my passions: Math-science and technology. I have taken different classes, courses and attended online and face-to-face meetings to continue evolving on the transformation of education towards the future.

TWITTER: @barbramz

CO-PRESENTER: Maria Teresa Mendoza Moctezuma

Beyond the Digital Class: Tools to Teach an Interactive Experience


Transform a lesson you've created (digital or not) into an interactive dynamic experience. We would start by a general example of a lesson we had and how was it transformed. We will talk a little about what is the difference between digital and interactive. We will be giving tips to help you change your lesson. Then you will be following steps in order to transform your lesson by applying different tools (mostly free versions). The session will be interactive all the way through.

STRAND: Beyond Now

TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers/Educators, Technology Coaches/Integrationists

TARGET GRADE LEVEL: Middle School, High School

TECH LEVEL: Intermediate


TIME: Session 3: 1:30-2:30


Preferred: computer (any other device works too). Will be asked to create a couple of accounts and/or log using google.