Alejandra Castañeda

ROLE: Art teacher and yearbook adviser

SCHOOL: American School Foundation of Monterrey


I am a graphic designer from UDEM and have a masters degree in education from Framingham College. I am currently studying a doctorate in "Leadership and Human Development". I have been teaching for 10 years and have edited 10 yearbooks during my teaching career.

I am very interested and focused on showing my students ways to connect to the arts and enabling them useful and practical information that will enrich their lives.

TWITTER: @art_teacherale

"Online Portfolio", A Tool for Everyone


In this session, you will walk away with a very well known and simple tool that will enable students to record the work they do in any given subject throughout their middle and high school. With this tool, you will be able to give feedback in one place and students will be able to save their work and see their growth during their school years. Some even might use it as a tool to showcase their work as they apply for college.

STRAND: Beyond Now

TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers/Educators

TARGET GRADE LEVEL: Middle School, High School

TECH LEVEL: Intermediate


TIME: Session 4-a: 2:45-3:15


Nothing is needed.