Welcome Aboard

Welcome to our classroom website. It is my hope that this site will serve as a great resource for both students and their families when it comes to finding information about our class.


Ahoy there, and welcome to a new year. I am so excited and can’t wait to get to know all of the 2nd grade students who will be joining my crew for the upcoming year. Over the years it has become a tradition for my class to have a sailing theme full of exploration, teamwork, pirates, and pirate ranks (more on that later). Much as the crew of a ship must work together to get to their destination, I believe it is just as important for the students in a classroom to work together and support one another as we sail along the seas of learning. Because of this, I place a major emphasis on cooperation, teamwork, and personal responsibility in my classroom. Additionally, as someone who loves to learn and try new things, it is always my hope to try and instill in my students a love of learning that will benefit them both in and out of the classroom. I’ve often seen that the best way to counter student frustration is to take steps to inspire student curiosity and discovery. I continually try to incorporate this into my instruction by providing opportunities for students to use creativity and technology to complete engaging and fun tasks in a way that builds on their strengths and gives them the individual support they need.