Academy Coach Virtual Office
College Career Life Ready
Welcome to BDEAHS College Career Life Ready
Ethos~ Principled pedagogy aims to reignite the spark in education by reinventing, redefining, and restructuring the process of learning.
focused on H.S. Graduation with College & Career Readiness.
How? By making the learning process process purposeful (goals), engaging, and accessible. What instructional supports? Students can receive 1:1, or small group synchronous review, to give them agency to work towards gaining insight into post-secondary career options. Resulting in an Individualized course of study that continually adapts to their unique learning needs and helps students concentrate their energies on understanding and applying appropriate knowledge, and skills. Earning credits towards graduation. #ThunderbirdsSoar #Scholarship #Integrity
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel to show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships while making responsible caring decisions.
Friday's Advisory Class ~focuses on a variety of topics including Social Emotional Learning (SEL) or the Effective Domain of learning. Your teachers will guide you through various Advisory modules to facilitate your understanding of yourself, interpersonal relationships, interpersonal communication, decision-making, academic planning, GRIT, resilience, and above all perseverance to overcome adverse situations. #ThunderbirdsSoar
Please feel free to contact me
Office Hours: Monday 7-10, Tuesday 7-10, Thursday Afternoon by Appointment (In-person)
Contact Information
907.742.2180 Voice Mail
Email (Click) or access CANVAS Messages
Workplace readiness skills have been a part of Alaska's CTE curriculum since the first 13 were introduced after research and feedback from employers. Today, there are 22 skills organized around three core areas:
personal qualities and abilities, like creativity, work ethic, and problem-solving;
interpersonal skills, like conflict resolution, teamwork, and respect for diversity; and
professional competencies, like information security, professionalism, and career and life management.
Students can demonstrate their knowledge of these competencies — and their preparedness for employment — through the Workplace Readiness Skills.
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications
Business Management and Administration
Education and Training
Government and Public Administration
Health Science
Hospitality and Tourism
Human Services
Information Technology
Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Transportation & Logisticsansportation, Distribution and Logistics