ms. Lind


The Road goes ever on and on, 

Down from the door where it began. 

Now far ahead the Road has gone, 

And I must follow, if I can, 

Pursuing it with eager feet, 

Until it joins some larger way 

Where many paths and errands meet. 

And whither then? I cannot say.

-- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Meet your teacher

Ms. Lind  |  Humanities Department  

Ascent Classical Academy Douglas County


Ms. Lind grew up in Columbus, Ohio, where she spent her childhood embarking on bookish adventures and acting out plays with her sisters. She has Bachelor degrees in English and Secondary Education from Grove City College (PA) and an M.A. in English from University of Maryland. Ms. Lind teaches Classical Literature and the MS and HS theatre electives.  Ms. Lind's favorite activities include reading, creating art, gardening, hiking, cycling, and camping. 


 Classical education is human-centric: it it shapes the whole student -- mind, body, and heart -- and therefore guides them into realizing and cultivating their humanity in the best ways. I love that as a teacher, I have this honor of forming young people in the true, the beautiful, and the good. 


Ms. Lind is looking forward to ...

"The reading of all good books is like a conversation 

with the finest minds of past centuries.

-- Rene Descartes


what is your favorite book?

I am in awe of Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth. Not only is Wharton a master storyteller, she also draws on the classical and Shakespearean tradition to communicate the human condition apparent in her early 20th century society. 

What is your favorite subject?

I love knowing more about astronomy. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut when I grew up, and I still do! I love that I cannot fathom the mysteries of galaxies, but in wondering about them, I become more aware of my smallness and my humanity. In Metamorphoses, Ovid writes, "And, though all other animals are prone, and fix their gaze upon the earth, he gave to man an uplifted face and bade him [stand] and turn his eyes to heaven." 

What do you love about ascent?

I love our students. I love teaching alongside accomplished and passionate colleagues and the sense of camraderie among the staff. I also love that we view our relationships with parents as a partnership, working hand-in-hand to help form and teach our students in the best possible ways. Finally, I love that our mission truly lies at the heart of everything we do. 

What is your favorite Game?

A favorite board game is 7 Wonders, a build-your-civilization challenge with a nod to ancient history. 7 Wonders is a fascinating combination of strategy and opportunity, and no two rounds turn out alike. I have also recently enjoyed playing Bang!, a Wild West game which is perfect for roleplaying. 

"A beautiful book is a victory won 

in all the battlefields of human thought.

-- Honoré de Balzac