Ms. Claar

Meet your teacher

Ms. Claar | 5th grade math and grammar | Ascent Classical Academy Douglas County


Hello 5th grade families!

I am entering my 11th year of teaching this year, and I have my BA in Interdisciplinary Studies. This is my 2nd year at Ascent, but I previously taught 6th grade in Colorado Springs.

Teaching is undoubtedly my passion. I treasure every day that I get to spend teaching, loving, and challenging my students.

When I'm not at work, I enjoy hiking, traveling, reading, learning, and spending time with friends and family. I am also a huge football fan and look forward to the fall season every year so I can spend my weekends watching Broncos games with my friends and family :).


I believe that all students can and want to learn. I believe that it is the job of the teacher to instruct their students and lead their classroom in a way that fosters a community of respect, safety, love, and learning. By the end of their year in my class, I want my students to be confident, well-rounded, virtuous citizens of the world. :)


what is your favorite food?

My favorite food is definitely macaroni and cheese! I could eat it every day and never get tired of it :)

What is your favorite subject?

My favorite subjects are grammar and math. Those are also my favorite subjects to teach!

What do you love about ascent?

I love that Ascent has high expectations for students, staff, parents, etc. They have the best interest of the students in mind at all times, and they also care about the moral character of everyone at the school.

What is your favorite sport?

My favorite sport is football. I don't play it, but I do LOVE to watch it. I am a major Broncos fan :)


Meghan Fleming and Angee Igielinski| Ascent Classical Academy of Douglas County

Meghan Flemming:

I am excited to be joining the Ascent staff as a Teacher’s Assistant for 5th grade. Originally from southwest Nebraska, I moved to Colorado to be near family in 2000. I am married and have twin boys, who attend Ascent, and a bonus son who lives in Colorado Springs. Prior to joining Ascent, I was a Kindergarten aide at my boys’ previous school. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking, paddle boarding, playing board games with my family, and curling up with a good book.

Angee Igielinski:

I am Mrs. Igielinski! I grew up in Tennessee, went to university there majoring in Journalism/Public Relations. I became a glorified editor essentially and not knowing what I wanted to do, then became a ballet instructor, then a personal trainer all by 27 years old. I love dancing, the thought of working out :), music, gardening, the outdoors and writing!

My family moved to Colorado in 2015, having our fifth kid in a fifth state. Our moves have spanned almost the entire continental U.S. from Savannah, Ga. to Phoenix, Ariz. So it is fitting to have found our place right next to the Continental Divide!

My family considers ACA a blessing of teachers leading our children to clarity, preparing them for a virtuous adulthood.