If one student in your family is staying home do siblings need to stay home as well?

If the parent(s) know the origin of the illness/symptoms of the sick student then just that student has to remain home. For example when students suffer from allergies. If the parent(s) do not know the cause of the illness/symptoms of thier student then yes all siblings in the family must remain home.

Do I need to call school to report my child(ren) absent if it is a non Covid related absence?

Yes, please call the office and report your child(ren) absence.

Can parents attend mass with their students?

No, at this time parents and parishioners cannot attend mass with the students. This is for the safety and health of our community. This will be reevaluated in the second semester.

What if a child has a run of mill seasonal runny nose with no fever or other symptoms?

If the child has no fever or other symptoms and the parent(s) knows that their child suffers from seasonal allergies then that child may come to school. All situations are handled on a case by case basis.

Do I need to call school to report my child(ren) absent if we answered YES in the daily screening?

No, all children who have a parent that answered YES to any questions in the daily screening will automatically be recorded as absent.

Are the teachers/staff taking a daily health screening questionnaire?

Yes, every morning before coming to school.

What is the plan for school if a student/teacher tests positive?

If a student or teacher tests positive in our school building we will call the St. Louis Health Department and follow their guidance.

What happens if we forget to complete the daily screening?

When arriving at school, please park in a designated parking spot to complete the form prior to letting your child(ren) enter the building.

If you have not completed the health questionnaire for your child(ren) you will be asked to pick them up from school. They will be able to return the next day after filling out the health questionnaire.

When can we drop our children off at school?

7:20 am

What are the mask requirements?

K-8th grade students​ will be required to wear masks throughout the school day. Students will not be required to wear their masks during lunch time and when physically distanced outside. Face masks may be cloth or paper and should properly cover the nose and mouth. The mask must be fit properly around the nose. Face masks are required to be​ two layers​ with no holes or venting. Masks should be clearly marked with the ​name of the student, ​the name can be on the outside or inside of the mask.

What happens if my child forgets his/her lunch or something from home?

A parent is able to bring the forgotten item to school, ring the bell at the front door to let the office staff know you will be putting something into the "drop off" basket". Office staff will retrieve the items. ALL items need to be clearly marked with name and homeroom.

If my child has a fever, but does not have Covid, when can they return to school?

Your student must remain fever free for three days, without medicine, and may return to school with a doctor's note stating they do not have Covid.