Where We are in Place & Time

Where We Are in Place and Time: An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

Central Idea: People's lifestyles connect to their environment.

NGSS - Earth and Space Science - Physical Science : Patterns and Cycles -

Pebble Go

  • Moon
  • Stars
  • What are seasons?
  • Day and NIght, how it happens...

Power Knowledge Earth & Space:

  • What is a Cycle, Day and Night, Weather Cycles, Moon, Eclipses, Tide,

Books from the iCommons:

1. Day and Night by Anita Ganeri; Summary: Presents a children's book that introduces patterns and cycles of day and night and includes explanatory diagrams, glossary, and index. (Nonfiction)

2. Season to Season by Anita Ganeri: Summary: Explains why seasons occur, and looks at some of the patterns in nature that are repeated every year with the changing of the seasons. (Nonfiction)

3. Weather Patterns by Monica Hughes; Summary: Provides information about daily, yearly, seasonal, polar, and different climate weather patterns. (Nonfiction)

4. The Sun and the Stars by Lesley Simms; Summary: Text and photographs describe the sun, where stars come from, how an eclipse happens, and other facts about the sun and stars. (Nonfiction)

5. The Moon by Melanie Chrismer; Summary: Provides information about the moon, an object that circles around Earth, and includes a word hunt, definitions, and a look at the moon's phases. (Nonfiction)

6. The Moon Book By Gail Gibbons, Summary: Identifies the moon as our only natural satellite, describes its movement and phases, and discusses how we have observed and explored it over the years. (Nonfiction)

7. And if the Moon Could Talk by Banks; Summary: As evening progresses into nighttime, the moon looks down on a variety of nocturnal scenes, including a child getting ready for bed. (Fiction)

8. Flora's Very Windy Day by Jeanne Birdsall; Summary: When a big wind blows her annoying little brother away, Flora decides to save him despite the many tempting offers she gets for him from, among others, a cloud, an eagle, the man in the moon, and the wind itself. (Fiction)

9. Grandfather Twilight by Barbara Berger; Summary: At the day's end, Grandfather Twilight walks in the forest to perform his evening task, bringing the miracle of night to the world (Fiction)

10. Man on the Moon by Simon Bartraml Summary: Presents a typical day in the life of Bob, the man on the moon, who rockets to work each morning, cleans up after the astronauts, and performs other duties before returning home for a bath and bed. (Fiction)

11. Sun and the Moon by Marcus Pfister; Summary: One memorable day the impossible happens when the Sun and the Moon meet each other. (Fiction)

12. Sky Tree by Thomas Locker; Summary: Invites the reader to experience the life of a tree and its relationship to the sky through storytelling, art appreciation, and scientific exploration. (Nonfiction - poetic)