SQA information

Assessment Periods

It is still our current intent to run an Assessment Period (in the same format as previously planned) when pupils return to school. We see this as a vital opportunity to assess your child’s progress to date, to gather evidence of that, and to give them the necessary feedback in order to support them to continue to make progress between then and the date set by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) for ‘provisional grades’ to be sent to them. Obviously, the dates for this Assessment Period will depend on the date that Scottish Government state that pupils can return to school. Whichever date that transpires to be, we hope to give pupils a week back in the classroom prior to starting the diet of assessments to allow them to get face-to-face support from their teachers prior to sitting these.

Practical Subjects

Where possible, staff will be in contact with pupils to arrange for them to collect materials to support the continuation of practical work at home – for example, Art materials. (This will be set up taking Covid guidance into consideration, and materials will be issued to pupils outside the school doors). We are aware that there are some subjects where there are practical elements of the course which pupils will not be able to complete at home (such as Woodwork and Metalwork) and staff will continue to set tasks for the written/theory elements of these courses online. We will continue to update pupils and parents/carers regarding plans for supporting pupils to complete these practical elements when they are back in school and as we receive further direction from the Scottish Government and the SQA.

SQA Updates

The SQA will continue to update schools regarding any changes to the plans for coursework, any internal assessments and submission of ‘provisional results’ which will be subject to SQA quality assurance processes. We will continue to update pupils and parents/carers regarding any changes as we receive them from the SQA. SQA updates are generally posted for all on their ‘NQ Changes 2020-21’ page on their website: https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/70972.html

SQA Course Information

There is lots of information to help you support your child with their National Qualification courses on the SQA website: https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/70972.html

In addition, the SQA Understanding Standards website is a useful tool for looking at samples of work and the assessment standards expected by the SQA: https://www.understandingstandards.org.uk/

Some information has also already been issued to pupils in PSE about the expectations of completing coursework, and potential outcomes for them should they be involved in any malpractice. The Guidance staff have already done a lesson based on the SQA “Your Coursework” document which explains all of the rules and regulations. You can also access an electronic copy of the document on the SQA website: https://www.sqa.org.uk/sqa/files_ccc/Your-coursework-2020-21.pdf Pupils should also consider these expectations when completing any coursework at home.

Assessment Arrangements (AAs)

Pupils who require Assessment Arrangements (e.g. large font, scribe, use of ICT, etc) will continue to have these put in place during the Assessment Periods and also for any internal assessments where evidence shows they require these. The SQA will continue to verify these arrangements during this session. Parents/Carers of pupils who have been identified as requiring AAs will be sent further information regarding this process and details of their child’s individual Assessment Arrangements in due course.